Roller management
Managing documents can take a lot of time. Therefor Hannecard recently invested in the countroll® platform, an online management system especially developed for rollers, that brings all your documents and roller info digitally together!
Hannecard is the first roller covering company ever who makes it possible for its customers to digitally consult and manage all their roller documents like label data, inspection reports, technical data sheets, technical drawing, and so on.
All rollers covered by Hannecard are automatically equipped with a small countroll® tag and a QR-code sticker. By scanning this tag or QR code all roller data and documents can be easily consulted and managed by the customer through the cloud based countroll® web portal and the free countroll® app.
The advantages of Hannecard’s roller management in a nutshell :
- All roller info and documents digitalized
- All roller info accessible immediately and anytime, anywhere by smartphone and by pc
- Administrative simplification = workload reducer
- Improved customer efficiency
For more info, please check www.countroll.com
If you are a customer and want to register, please click here
Rollers As A Service
Thanks to our long lasting coverings and our countroll® IOT measurement & monitoring equipment, we are also able to provide performance driven contracts through our RAAS (Rollers As A Service®) program.
The RAAS program will allow you to:
- optimize your productivity
- improve production line performances and product quality
- reduce maintenance costs and service interventions
- reduce your production downtime
If you want more details about our RAAS performance contracts, do not hesitate to contact us.